Saturday, 15 March 2008

Starting to think fit again

Being fit isn't about timed, forced exercise: going to the gym, cycling for x minutes per day etc. We do timed exercise to get fit; to be fit, we need to live that way.

Okay, I'm not making much sense here so I'll try again. Every so often, I try to get fit; I restrict my diet, I go to the gym, I make progress until some event happens that disrupts all the carefully laid plans, and suddenly I'm carrying an extra stone of weight and don't have enough energy to get to the gym.

Being fit is thinking things like "why don't I cycle over to the airport to check the baggage allowance" (not as heroic as it sounds; I live only a couple of miles away from it) instead of paying a queen's ransom for the parking (Queen's ransom: the country might not want its king back, but a king might be prepared to pay a great deal for the right queen, and it would be a brave chancellor to stop him emptying all the coffers). I've caught myself doing this a few times over the past couple of weeks; things like "hmm, I got up early, shall I cycle the long route to work" and "I'll walk it instead". That way, I think, lies true happiness...

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