Saturday, 19 April 2008

And we're off...

176.2 this morning. Down a little (yesterday's 179 did drop to 177ish after an hour; please don't ask). Still heavy, but I can work on that.

I've been resisting going running for a while. I thoroughly enjoyed running out with Hwngo t'other week, but I just haven't been able to persuade myself to go out on my own. But this morning (spurred on by the over-175 thing), I got on with it. I only did a short one, a run to the pub and back to get a timing for it (25 minutes, door-to-door including stretches, easily possible as a run before work). My legs felt sooo heavy after yesterday's BodyPump (sore gluts, ouch!) but I'm glad I did it. It's too wet out to go play on the allotment today (digging is good cardio) so I'll just see how many miles I can walk on the pavements and gallery floors of London before I fall over/ my feet want to fall off. Lunch, I think, will be healthy. Dinner (with Hwngo) appears to involve a chicken...

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