Monday, 8 December 2008

Breakfast fruit woes - and then there was juice!

So this morning I crawled out of bed (literally - I've got a bulged disc in my back) and wandered off for breakfast as normal. Cereal - check. Milk - check. Two non-5aday-items - check. Drat. On a 2-to-1 basis, that means that breakfast now involves 4 pieces of fruit or veg. And, having eaten an apple and an orange already this morning and contemplated with horror the thought of another pair of fruits before the fruit juice saved me, that's a rethink about breakfast.

So. Jam counts. Soft fruit counts. And -halleluja- so do fruit juice, smoothies and the red bits in red berry cereal. Which gives a small (and somewhat fruit-laden) set of breakfast options...

  • Cereal/oats, milk (2nf) with fruit (raspberries, blackberries, frozen soft fruit mix, red berries etc), juice/smoothie and 2-fruit mid-morning snack (apple, orange, carrot etc).
  • Bacon, toast (2nf) with 'shrooms, tomatoes, juice, 1-fruit snack.
  • Toast/croissant (1nf) with jam/banana, juice.
  • Kipper (1nf) with tomatoes, red pepper.
  • Yoghurt (1nf) with fruit (berries, pear).

I'm still debating whether Pain Au Chocolat is a single non-fruit item or two of them. I think I'll declare it as one, before this all gets way way too confusing. On the plus side, a 2nf day will get me to 5 a day by lunchtime; on the minus side, I need to go and buy an awful lot more fruit.

Yeehah! I've just been to the 5-a-day veg portions list. Chickpeas count and so does onion. Hello, hummus...


Anonymous said...

Jam counts? Bollocks it does... Wine on the other hand is made from grapes.

Sj said...

Drat, he's right again... jam does *not* count, well at least according to this it doesn't.

Nothing sane about wine though... plenty of insane though...

james said...

Sara I can work on your bulging disk for you! I am a man of many ideas! Jessee

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, methinks you have an ubercreep. A creep so creepy, only a DDT facial will do. You hold him down, I'll pour?