Sunday, 15 March 2009


I have delivered lots of seedlings to Hwsgo. They may die, but they probably won't. Apart from the Basil, which is midway through a typical basil sulk that it may or may not recover from. We really need an amalgum of our two homes: mine has radiators, double-glazing and big windowsills, but Hwsgo's has lots of light. Heat, light, water, food: doesn't take much to make a plant grow, but it's surprisingly difficult to get all these things in the same place.

Plants delivered are (so Hwsgo doesn't forget what he has): rocket (currently under debate), parsley (the stuff that looks like grass), coriander (2 types in 1 pot), basil, and sunflowers and sweetpeas for colour. I'm taking the chilli and lobelia back home for a bit more heat treatment, and I have tomatoes and tarragon still under observation there at the moment. Now I have empty windowsills, I'm tempted to grow on something more. A pot of strong mint would be good, some more coriander (can never have emough of that), and some more herbs seems about right. I already have carrot and radish seeds waiting to be put into veg buckets at home - will see how I do with them too. It's just a shame that my garden is too dark to grow much in it (neighbour: big trees). One day I'll move somewhere lighter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, yes, you have a point, I might well forget what they are. But I will not forget that they are appreciated. Now did I tell you about my watering can? It's a pail imitation of a bucket...