Saturday 6 June 2009

Oh stupidity (but fun) - the Underround

A runner of my acquaintance (okay, it's Kevin from the office) has challenged me to the Underround. It's a marathon. For fell runners. Who live in London. Actually, it's inspired: use the stairs and escalators on the underground as a fell running circuit. 24 miles, 42 stations: run between stations, then run down the stairs/escalators to the yellow line on the platform then back up to the surface again. It's probably not to be attempted during rush hour, but on a quiet Sunday...

Anyways, I have two 10ks and a 10 mile to complete before then. But I might start practicing on small or not-so-small sections of the route, just so I don't get lost (and run even further than I need to) on the day. Heck, I could start an offshoot and plot out the Underround 10k, 10 mile and half marathon...

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