Tuesday 19 August 2008


This is so unfair. I haven't eaten chips, pies, chocolate or ice-cream, I've been to the gym, I've eaten sensibly (and believe me, plain flavoured healthy crisps are so sensible they're calorifically in dark brown lace-ups), and yet I've still put on weight. 176.8 yesterday, 177.4 today. Ah well, I'm sure it's one of those glitch things.

The good news balancing this unexpected attack of the sugar-plum elephants is that I fitted into some more of my old clothes. I have a pile in the bottom of my wardrobe, of things that I like but can't fit into. Or rather, that I liked: several items have been consigned to the Oxfam pile as soon as I can see how wrong they look. But my work shirts are good though: I bought these exactly a year ago in Edinburgh, was a bit too big for them when I got them home (they're an old-fashioned size 14, i.e. somewhat smaller than the 14s of today), but today they worked, give or take a little bust button strain. So something must be going right.

And meanwhile, today's the day when the serious exercise starts: S and I have our first session with Nick the personal trainer tonight. I may have problems walking tomorrow...

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