Saturday 18 July 2009

Cooking today

A bizarra accident photo involving a chihuahua and a barbeque fork set me wondering about the bizarre accident figures on this most summery of cooking methods (and no, that doesn't include burning the tips of two fingers turning the sausages over). There really *is* something for everyone on the intranet... the relevant report is available here. It's a wonderful study in stating the bleeding obvious - for instance, most bbq accidents occur in the garden... and there are two major clusters of accidents: boys under 7 burning their hands whilst playing in the garden, and men in their 20s and 30s burning their upper bodies (with a possible contibuting factor from alcohol consumption). Strangely, more women than men get injured by BBQs in the US, but this is probably because american blokes feel less of a primal need to light fires and cook mammoth in the open air.

Useful point for the day: charcoal bbqs give off carbon monoxide. Which kills people if they use BBQs inside. So don't do it, okay? Have a happy summer...

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