Tuesday 28 July 2009

Roasted vegetables

1. Go to local supermarket early, and discover they've just marked down all the vegetables.

2. Buy lots of vegetables: peppers, mini tomatoes, courgettes are all good (even when you already have courgettes ripening at home).

3. Slice courgettes and peppers; lay on baking trays. Liberally distribute tomatoes all over trays. Follow with drizzles of olive oil.

4. Stuff in oven at 200F. Go do something else, and forget about oven for two hours.

5. Switch off oven, inspect char-grilled contents and eat. Can also be added to recipes (for that authentic smokey flavour).

6. Go 'yum'.


Anonymous said...

Good with buffalo mozarella I would have thought. I bet cleaning the pans was a bitch though.

Sj said...

No problem at all - they're nonstick pans, and the juice from the courgettes kept everything else from sticking.

All I need now is someone else to help me eat my way through a small mountain of vegetables...