Friday 18 January 2008

Absolutely no cooking today

Today is Going To Andalucia day; specifically, to Seville, the home (probably disputed by at least 2 other Spanish towns) of Tapas, or Pintxos as they're called in the Basque Country. Not a chance of me cooking then, but I will be spending a few days sampling as much yummy healthy Spanish food as I can: we have a reservation (which can mean anything in Spain from "we've saved you a good table" to "reservation, what reservation?") at a resto with partridge on the menu, and I'm particularly looking forward to that... the resto, not necessarily the partridge: I'll see how I feel when I get there. Some days are meat days, and other days are vegetable ones, and there's no real pattern for which is which.

Anyways, weight is 168.2lbs (steady, but then I haven't done any exercise for days), have eaten 1 bowl SpecialK and milk, and can confidently expect to be eating 1 machine hotchocolate, 1 machine coffee, 1 SpecialK bar, two plates of sushi and possibly, just possibly, a beer or two. Espana, here I come...

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