Monday 28 January 2008

Thinking about risotto

I have all the ingredients for saffron risotto, and will be cooking it soon, but... well, my freezer has reached the limits of how much stuff a freezer should reasonably be asked to hold and it desperately needed rescuing. Hwsgo has offered a pheasant recipe as rotw which should make a reasonable-sized hole, I've eaten a stored chilli-based rotw to make another, and he's going to show me how easy smoked salmon pate is to make, which should take care of the 7 packs of smoked salmon in there (they're quite flat, but they do seem to have taken over everywhere). I'm not sure how this has happened, except maybe wandering past the wrong shelves in the supermarket at the wrong time can be just a little too tempting, and it's difficult to make things like soup for just one person without having to freeze some. Right; excuses over... normal cooking will be resumed after I check out a certain research establishment's catering output...

Oh, weight? 169.8lbs. See, if I say it quickly it doesn't sound too bad. Let's just say that I've gone back a bit (a week of comfort eating) and have some work to do to get back. Of course, tidying up the last of the milk chocolate bar isn't the best way to do this, but at least it's beyond temptation now. Onwards...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the record: put a packet of defrosted smoked salmon in the blender with some lemon juice, some cream or creme fraiche, a fair amount of black pepper. Add parsley if you feel the need, or tarragon: neither is necessary nor even arguably better. Keep the fluids down at first, blend for a couple of seconds at most. Check the texture and add more cream/creme or even olive oil if need be. Blend only enough to preserve a good texture.